BENIN: Art from Benin yesterday and today
The Marina Palace in Cotonou hosted the exhibition of 34 contemporary artists and a good number of works, highlighting a diversity of talents, in particular in the fields of painting, sculpture, digital drawings, etc… Projections , conferences, exchanges were at the rendezvous. This exhibition-event is part of the dynamic initiated by Benin – both to restore its heritage and to promote its contemporary creation – to provide its territory with several museums of international influence, in particular: the Museum of the Epic of the Amazons and of the Kings of Danxomè (MEARD) and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Cotonou (MACC); we learn from the article “L’EXPO DU BREF”. Comment by the President of the Republic of Benin, HE Patrice Talon: “It is at the end of the old rope that we weave the new” says the proverb. Without Sossa DEDE and the others of the past, there would probably be no Yves PEDE, Romuald HAZOUME, Moufouli BELLO, Julien SINZOGAN, etc. Our generation has decided not to be mistaken: we have chosen to gather them around the old masters, to reveal them to all: compatriots, tourists, collectors…
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