
Né le 21 Septembre 1909 à Nkroful, village situé au sud-est du Ghana à l’époque colonie britannique, Kwame N’Krumah, premier Président du Ghana actuel est une figure emblématique du mouvement panafricain.  Ambitionnant de se lancer dans une carrière religieuse, il se retrouve finalement dans l’enseignement.  C’est aux États Unis, pays qu’il rejoint pour ses études, […]

Founded in 1946 at the Bamako Congress, the African Democratic Rally is a former federation of African political parties, the most important political force of the era of colonization in French territories in Africa. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the whole world is plunged into an unprecedented political crisis. The hitherto intractable […]

The exhibition brought together thirteen contemporary artists, historians, filmmakers, musicians, writers and thinkers interested in the historical, cultural and linguistic links between the African and Asian continents. Craig Santos Perez describes it in his excerpt: Praise Song for Oceaniaces, “Taking the stories and histories of the Indian Ocean as its starting point, the group exhibition […]