September 2022

The “turbo”: this is how it is called in Makono, a small village made up of huts, lost in the middle of the forest located southwest of Nafadji and west of Finabala in Guinea. Badian, only 12 years old and less than 1.50m tall, is a young boy passionate about football who spends most of […]

1- Hello Elodie, thank you for having us. How about we start with the introductions? Good morning ! My name is Sè Elodie, known as Eloniniie, which is my name as a writer. I have a Masters in Financial Engineering, and I am passionate about writing. I wrote a book called “ELLES…”, in electronic version, […]

Photography was invented on August 19, 1839, during an official session at the Institut de France by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851), a Parisian theater designer, who divulged the first photographic process he managed to develop it by taking advantage of the research of his partner, Nicéphore Niépce. Nicknamed “daguerreotype”, this process consisted of fixing the positive […]