
1- Hello Elodie, thank you for having us. How about we start with the introductions? Good morning ! My name is Sè Elodie, known as Eloniniie, which is my name as a writer. I have a Masters in Financial Engineering, and I am passionate about writing. I wrote a book called “ELLES…”, in electronic version, […]

1- Hello Danielle, thank you for having us. How about we start with the introductions?   Hello, I am the author Danielle Gonaï, Ivorian and residing in Côte d’Ivoire. I present myself as a passionate without expertise guided by the desire to free myself by writing. I am also a literary promoter and for eight […]

An initiative to raise the language level, promote reading, books and writers Each of the meetings has its particularity and that of July 31 was that of the discovery of the author of a detective novel. Started as usual with a presentation of each of the people present, this meeting of the month was made […]